Timothée Barattin

Industrial Engineer

Swiss & Italian


Full-Stack JavaScript Developer @ Hiberus Tecnología

  • Develop full-stack applications for customers in the industry.
  • Work inside multiple teams on different projects at once.
  • Present new developments to clients and gather feedback.
  • Technologies Angular, Ionic, NestJS, TypeORM, Sequelize, MySQL

Marketing @ ETH Entrepreneur Club

  • Lead the marketing team (6 people) and coordinate our marketing effort across digital and physical channels.
  • Build the club's brand by raising awareness and fostering interactions online and offline.
  • Generate applications for our events (>1000 applications semester) and work closely with the events and operations teams.


Online Survey w/ Auto-ID Labs & Diabetes Center Berne

Develop an online survey for diabetes patients.
Technologies Angular 10, Firebase (Authentication, Firestore, Cloud Functions, Hosting)

Mobile App w/ Auto-ID Labs & Swiss Society for Nutrition

Develop BetterChoice, a mobile health application providing tailored and customizable feedback on grocery shopping to consumers.
Technologies Ionic 4, Angular 7, Firebase (Authentication, Firestore)


Management, Technology and Economics @ ETH Zurich

Interdisciplinary Master program for engineers and scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, graduated September 2019.

Climate-KIC Master Programme @ ETH Zurich

European Master program to forge the next generation of cleantech entrepreneurs and climate innovators.

Mechanical Engineering @ EPFL

Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, graduated August 2015.
Exchange year @ Politecnico di Torino in Italy (2014 - 2015).